I kept my distance on the sofa at his place. Kept the remember when convo kosher, all that.
I think I stayed at work 30 minutes late that day. I was usually the first one out the door of that God awful place at 6 p.m. sharp. That day though, I filed papers, paper clipped and stapled shyt that had been ornamenting my desk for weeks. I might have even run a damp cloth across the surface before I finally slid my chair in and grabbed my bag, heading out for the night.
I dragged my feet as slowly as I could down 34th street . But once I hit the PATH train, I was as good as there.
And while I walked sluggishly, my mind raced.
Okay, I need a story, what am I gonna say? I need a story, I need a story, I need a story … okay we were talking about old times, having a good time, I drank a little and fell asleep. Bullshyt. Okay, what had happened was, he tried to come at me right, but I said no. Nothing happened. Bull. Shyt. Okay, okay, okay, for real. This is how it really went down …
But I couldn’t concentrate.
I just kept reliving last night.
The conversation was wonderful, the chemistry was as potent as it had been the last time … and when he kissed me that first time, I didn’t fight long …
And yet, I was headed back to BD’s place to explain myself. WHY!?
Because BD would be there. Probably anxious to hear my futile attempt at easing his fears. And Digital? catching a flight some where. That’s why.
Also, check out more Melyssa at GetYoShyt.blogspot.com and hit her up on Myspace.com/MelyssaGanache.
*All names have been changed
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